GEMOC Demonstrator - building an executable language for flight controller specification

The goals of this demonstrator is to provide general guidelines about how to use GEMOC technologies in order to build the tooling for a language.

The provided tooling covers several concerns such as:

It is illustrated on a realistic language: a language for designing drone flight controller.

The outcome of the project are of three kinds:

Glose Demonstrator deliverables descriptions:

DP1.1: Modeling environment for Flight Control Management

html or in pdf

DP1.2: Simulation and Compilation Environment for Flight Control Management

html or in pdf

DP2.1: Execution and Simulation Environment for Flight Control Management with concurrent execution

html or in pdf

DP3.1: Source model for the case studies

html or in pdf

Glose Demonstrator deliverables software and documentation:

Git repository archive

Last tagged version: (and latest version

UpdateSite : the update site for installing and trying the resulting FCL language as an enduser

GEMOC Studio (version used for the demonstrator)

Buidling DSL guideline document

html or in pdf